Comparative Materia Medica (Potassium Group)

Comparative Materia Medica (Potassium Group)

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Listening / Viewing Access to the Robin Murphy Homeopathic Study Group - Comparative Materia Medica - Potassium Group (April 8, 2020)

Taught by Robin Murphy, ND and Judith Toscano, C. Hom. 

In this Study Group, Murphy and Toscano lead a two-hour discussion based on keynotes and clinical experience. “Smart Charts” are used in a PowerPoint presentation that can be printed out and reviewed.

You will learn differentials or distinguishing characters of potassium remedies. Learning differentials simplifies your choices of remedies and helps you find a remedy that fits the case.  Tuning in on a remedy group and studying it helps your brain to categorize and file information.

Become more aware of the components of the potassium remedies that are both common and different. Join us in discussing these remedies to gain knowledge, help friends, family and beyond. 

PLEASE NOTE: There were some technical issues at the beginning of this recording. 

With this purchase you will have access to the video recording of this study group with Robin Murphy, ND, plus handouts (PDF) through your account on our website.

Once you have completed your purchase here, we will check to see if you already have a student account on our website. If you do not already have a student account, we will create one for you and send you an activation link via email so that you can get started. If you already have a student account on our website, we will notify you via email when we have added the class to your account.

~ The information within is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. It is for educational purposes / support. ~​​​

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