Murphy's "Sixteen Polychrests" - Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica
Written By Robin Murphy, ND
Reworked by Judith Toscano, C. Hom.
Paperback Book (6" x 9") - 354 Pages
* If you are looking for a digital version, this is also available through Kindle (4 volumes) *
What is a Polychrest Remedy?
A polychrest remedy in homeopathy is a remedy that has many uses, the ability to treat many ailments. There are at least 50 polychrest remedies with no standard and final list of such remedies. They are multipurpose, versatile, adaptable, flexible and very handy. Older homeopathic books refer to them as an awareness of the Materia Medica.
Dr. Yasgur mentions that a polychrest is a remedy whose provings and clinical applications show that it has many widespread uses, covering a wide variety of mental, emotional and physical symptomatology.
Dr. J.V. Allen says a polychrest is a remedy which affects all or nearly all the tissues of the body, has a wide variation in symptoms and its curative power reaches deep into the anatomy ... is equally useful in acute and chronic disorders, but in chronic work may prove curative or ameliorative when all other methods fail.
The polychrest remedy can be identified by its:
- sphere of action
- mental, emotional picture
- characteristic symptoms, either mental or physical
- general modalities
In this book, Dr. Murphy covers the following Sixteen Polychrests:
Arsenicum album - “Arsenicum people feel insecure in a threatening world, the whole world is threatening to them. They must preserve themselves. There is no security anywhere. Arsenicum has stages, let's talk about the stages…”
Calcarea carbonica - “Everything is planned out because deep, deep down, they feel slow. Feelings of slowness makes them over-responsible because they always want to get caught up and ahead of the game. They are practical, down-to-earth people. They like to work with the Earth; they are affected by the moon. Earth remedies are affected by the moon phases.”
Ignatia amara - “This remedy is most often found in women; very romantic, sentimental, and sensitive. They have very high expectations of other people and the world. They are so idealistic that they are always shooting for the stars…”
Kali carbonica - “With Kali carb. you have no idea you have hurt them because they are able to control themselves so well. They can stand up and take abuse from their boss or a husband or a wife, and not show any emotion. Inside, they are on fire. They suppress deep, deeper than…”
Lachesis muta - “With Lachesis, a lot of their problems are worse if they go to sleep. They sleep into their problems. They have asthma, the asthma comes on and they go to sleep. I do not know where I got this, but they say all snakes coil from the left to the right. Lachesis is a left-sided remedy.”
Lycopodium clavatum - “We all have this in us, but whether it can come up and left, or whether it comes up and stays there, becoming a miasm, depends on how much stress brought it on. These things come up when the etiology is humiliation. Someone was ridiculed or humiliated.”
Medorrhinum - “The biggest remedy for gonorrhea is Cannabis. We, as homeopathic prescribers, philosophize and theorize that marijuana smoking makes you more susceptible to getting gonorrhea because the proving of marijuana and the proving of Medorrhinum are almost the same.”
Natrum muriaticum - “They do all their suffering in private – it is called "silent grief" in the repertory. They have been hurt and no one knows. They just go on with their life. No one will ever know what happened. Then their grief manifests as disease.”
Nux vomica - “They must win the race. They are obsessed with capability. They do not respect anyone who is not capable and quick. That is the way they are. They are quick, capable, independent and robust.”
Phosphorus - “These people have had a lot of careers too. Anything can come along and excite them. They can overwhelm people with their energy. You say, "Oh no, here they come, watch out”. They come into the room like a ball of fire.”
Pulsatilla nigricans - “No one fits exactly what I am saying, there is no person like that. One person fits different shades of it. I am giving the image of Pulsatilla and every time you see a Pulsatilla, you see a different shade of it. They are putting out Pulsatilla in their own way.”
Sepia succus - “Does everybody know what stasis means? It is like a stagnation ... everything stops. This is what happens to Sepia’s mentally, emotionally and physically. They have something happen that kind of wears them out and drains them, so they start slowing down.”
Silica terra (Silicea) - “They tend to have abscesses and boils. It is a first aid remedy for boils. The children look malnourished with big heads – they are so delicate. They are running and you just know they are going to fall and hurt themselves.”
Staphysagria - “This is one of the remedies that pitties themselves. They are bad people; they are no good and no one is going to like them. They all have deep down inside this little girl or little boy that feels that way, and the right stresses will bring them up.”
Sulphur - “One big thing is an aversion to daisies; they do not like daisies. They have skin problems and discharges that smell bad, like rotten eggs. This is because of the sulfur in them.”
Tuberculinum - “Another good word to describe the Tuberculinum state is yearning, they see something and yearn for it. They are strong-willed people with a lot of energy. They are vital people
with a lot of ideas.”
~ The information within is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. It is for educational purposes / support. ~
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